
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chinese pork a la Sweet!

                        Recipe: mix and marinate the following for two hours and then fried in a litle bit of oil.
                                  1 1/2 lb. beef or pork sliced         1medium onion sliced
                                   Soy sauce 5 Tbp                         Sugar 2 1/2 Tbp.
                                   Green onion chooped 4 Tbp.       Garlic finely minced 2 Tbp. 
                                    Sesame seeds 2 Tbp.                  2 Tbp. oil
                                    Black pepper 1/2 tsp.                  1 kiwi minced or 1 apple cut very fine
                                    I added finely sliced carrot wich I fried very ligthly and dry on paper towell
                                    do not fry more then 1 minute........serve over rice....Enjoy!

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