
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Recipe :"Chinese Duck a la Hope"

                      Here is a great recipe that I got from this sweet chinese lady , with her broken Inglish
                      and my spanglish ad a lot of sign lenguaje this what I got after she repeated me the recipe
                      fo 15 time..who know it migth not be the original recipe but it turn out to be one of my
                      best recipes ever!..lets begin:
                                        Ingredients: 1. duck cut in 6 pieces with head or without
                                                            2. sugar to taste
                                                            3. oil
                                                            4. chinese spice or 5 spices powder
                                                            5. 8 cloves
                                                            6. 1 large cinamon stick
                                                            7. Dark soy sauce like 3 cups
                                                            8. 2 Star aniseeds
                                                            9. 8 garlic teeth, chopped very small
                                                          10. 1/4 cup blue ginger ifcant find use regular ginger
                                                                 cut very small
                   *  Proceed to rub Duck with 4 tablespoon of chinese seasoning
                         preparation: 1.  Saute in oil like /3 cup, add ginger ,garlic until garlic is caramel color.
                                              2.  Add soy sauce , sugar to taste I added like 2 cups,and the  cinaom stick
                                                    cloves and stirr and stirr specially the bottom of te pan do this for like
                                                    5 minutes dont leave the pan alone you have to keep stirring or it will
                                                    get burn. Start medium heat and then at low medium.
                                              3.  remove from burner and quick add duck pieces and add enough water
                                                   until duck pieces are cover 1/2 of body. stir water and sauce.
                                               4. rigth awy place back in burner and place a lid and simmer @ medium
                                                   low and turn the duck pieces every 7 minutes andsimmer and keep
                                                   this for an hour for 1 hour .

                                This is the most amazing Duck I have ever tasted it was in between the taste of steak
                                 Sirloin and Chicken it was so tender ad yet well cook O love it! ..Bon appetite!

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